My school

Karya:Tri novtia angelika*)

School is something,

 we must all embrace.

 Knowledge we need,

 to seek out and chase.

Subjects and teaching styles,

are plentiful and vary

. Just like the backpacks,

 we all need to carry.
Sports, clubs, and activities

, at every single turn.

 So much to do, study and learn.

 To get the most from school,

 we should consistently attend

. Around each corner,

 there’s always a friend.

Our favorite teachers,

are friendly and kind.

 Their passion and job,

to expand every mind.

 School is something,

we must all embrace

. Just remember to learn, at your own pace.

Lumajang 19 Januari 2024

)*Siswi kelas 9f dan anggota redaksi Website OSIM

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